ListGlobally partners with CENTURY 21 to sell Spanish properties to international buyers

ListGlobally partners with CENTURY 21 to sell Spanish properties to international buyers

About Century 21 Spain

Century 21 Spain is a franchise network strong of 1.030 real estate agents. In 2017, it completed 5.414 real estate transactions, 22 % more than in 2016, with an average purchase price of 199.598 euros.
Currently present in Spain with 72 offices across the country, Century 21 Spain plans to expand to over 400 offices and 8.000 to 10.000 agents in the coming years (see here for more details).

  • Mar 26, 2018 3:20:52 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Top 5 foreign buyers in the Alps

In the Ski Property Report 2017 published by Knight Frank Switzerland (Naef Prestige), figures are published about Chamonix, Courchevel, Megève, Méribel, Val d’Isère, Crans Montana, St Moritz, Verbier, Villars and Andermatt.

  • Jan 23, 2018 3:32:26 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Foreign buyers in Spain — Where do they buy ? And where do they come from ?

Where do foreign buyers purchase most properties in Spain ?


  • Oct 11, 2017 3:29:46 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Foreign buyers in Italy: how to be part of a €5.5B market

Last year, the editorial teams of leading property portals in Italy published an article that was called “Italy: always more foreigners buy in our beautiful country” ( or “Always more foreign buyers looking for a house in Italy” ( Today we want to unwrap this and provide you some useful data.

Foreign buyers in Italy

Foreign buyers were responsible for 5.5 billion euros worth of transactions in 2016. According to, these numbers are a record since 2007. On the other hand, Knight Frank’s data,  found that users of 171 nationalities searched for Italian properties on its website during 2015.

Who is buying in Italy?

The most active foreigners in Italy are the British, U.S. and German buyers. According to, they adds the Chinese and French buyers to this list as you can see below :

Foreign residents in Italy

In Italy from 1 million residents in 2002, to 5 million residents in 2016 which is 8% of the total population (source: National Institute of Statistics). This clearly shows that Italy is attracting foreigners as you can see below:

Target foreign buyers and take advantage of this market

At ListGlobally, we have developed a simple and powerful offer for Italian agencies to address this market.

In one click, they can publish their listings on a network of 100 portals in over 60 countries. Whether you are targeting American buyers, Chinese buyers, French buyers or any other nationality, feel free to have a look at the list and reach out to our teams for any question.

If you’re interested into publishing your listings to foreign portals, subscribe now to ListGlobally, starting at €56 per month.

  • Aug 14, 2017 3:53:10 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Foreign Buyers Spend Record $153B in U.S. Real Estate

International buyers purchased $153 billion worth of existing homes in the U.S. from April 2016 to March 2017 — up 49% from the same period a year before, according to recent National Association of Realtors® data. In others terms, foreign buyers purchased 284,455 homes.

Foreign sales accounted for 10 percent of all existing home sales by dollar volume and 5 percent by number of properties.

Where do foreign buyers come from ?

Foreign buyers of US homes are truly global. Chinese, Canadians, Indians, Mexicans and British buyers are quite present, however the biggest group of foreign buyers is, with $75.6 billion worth of transactions, a very interesting group called “All Others” as you can see below:

What should US real estate actors do?

The whole difficulty when addressing this market of $153 billion dollar, is that foreign buyers come from over 60 countries. It is a very fragmented market, as “All others” represent 50% of international sales in the United States. This is precisely why our approach at ListGlobally is to publish US listings on over 100 foreign portals (click here to see the list) including the #1 and #2 property portals in China but not limiting the international visibility to just that. Our approach is to serve our clients with the most complete international marketing strategy.

Want to know more about foreign buyers in the United States ? Contact our team now, we’re here to help.

  • Jul 26, 2017 4:23:42 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Sales to international buyers in Spain booming in 2017

According to the Spanish Ministry of Development (Fomento), foreign buyers in Spain increased by 13% year-on-year to reach 21,096 transactions in the first quarter of 2017.

  • Jul 17, 2017 3:30:35 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

The French effect on Portugal real estate market

In Portugal, one buyer in five is a foreigner. Among them, French buyers represent more than 25%.

  • Jul 12, 2017 11:53:35 AM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

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